El Ayurveda es un antiguo sistema médico hindú que significa la ciencia de la vida.
Se basa en el equilibro del cuerpo con la naturaleza, los tratamientos son siempre naturales y, por experiencia propia, puedo decir que es una maravilla.
Según el ayurveda existen 7 tipos de metabolismos, que son la combinación de tres, llamados doshas.
las tres doshas son vata, pitta y kapha.
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Su elemento es el aire.
Pitta gobierna la digestión y el metabolismo, Pitta es caliente, agudo y ácido. Las personas Pitta son de complexión mediana, piel clara a menudo pecosa, de pelo rubio, castaño claro o rojo. Tienen mucha hambre y sed, aversión al sol y al calor. Son de carácter emprendedor y les gustan los desafíos, de intelecto agudo, discurso preciso. Caminan con paso decisivo, no soportan las pérdidas de tiempo. Les gusta gastar dinero en cosas lujosas, tienen cierta tendencia a ser vehementes.
Su elemento es el fuego.
Kapha es responsable de la estructura del cuerpo. Kapha es pesado, estable, frío, aceitoso, lento y suave. Las personas Kapha son de contextura sólida y potente, gran fuerza y resistencia física, con tendencia a engordar. Su piel es fresca, suave y pálida. Su personalidad es tranquila y relajada, son personas estables, algo lentas, son personas afectuosas, con tendencia a ser posesivas y complacientes. Su sueño suele ser pesado y prolongado.
Su elemento es el agua.
Las tres ilustraciones son para Harit Ayurveda, un centro de medicina ayurveda en Madrid.
Aparecerán en el libro de Pilar de Sarabia, amiga, medico y mejor persona.
En el link encontrareis información, tratamientos y un par de trucos para tener un cuerpo y mente más equilibrados.
sentíos libres a curiosear!
The Ayurveda is an ancient hindi medical system that means "the science of life"
It´s bases in the balance between body and nature, the treatments are always natural, and, by self experience, i can say it´s wonderful.
According to the Ayurveda, there are 7 types of metabolisms, that are the combination of 3, named doshas.
The 3 doshas are vata, pitta, and kapha.
Vata is the movement principle. Vata, like the wind, is always moving, and tends to be quick, cold, dry, violent and smooth. A vata person usualy is thin, makes it´s activities quickly, has a light sleep, with a tendency to insomnia. It´s enthusiastic, lively and imaginative.
Has a tendency to constipation, and gets tired easily because they usualy use more effort than they should.
they´re skin is dry and cold to the touch, hands and feet get cold easily, they love the sun and good weather and they cannot stand the cold.
They´re element is wind.
Pitta governs the digestion and the metabolism, pitta is hot, sharp and acid.
Pitta people have a medium constitution, light skin, sometimes freakled; blonde, light brow or red haired. They have lots of hunger and thirst, and adversion for sun and heat. They have an enterprising character and love challenges, they have a sharp intelect, a precise speech.
They walk with determined step, and can´t stand wasting time. They like spending money in luxurius things, and have a tendency to be vehement.
They´re element is fire.
Kapha is responsible for the body structure. Kapha is heavy, steady, cold, oily, slow and smooth.
kapha people have a solid and powerful constitution, strength and physical resistance, with a tendency to gain weight.
They´re skin is fresh, soft and pale. They´re personality is peaceful and relaxed, they are stable people, a little slow, they are affectionate people,with a tendency to be possesive and indulgent.
They´re sleep is usualy heavy and lengthy.
They´re element is water.
These 3 ilustrations are for Harit Ayurveda, an ayurveda medical center in Madrid.
They will appear in Pilar de Sarabia´s book, she is a friend, doctor, and better person.
In the link you will find information, treatments, ando some tricks for you to have a more balanced mind and body.
Feel free to peek!