Stands pequeños, pocas entrevistas, fanzines escondidos...
Pero hemos tenido buenas visitas y charlas.
Entre ellas destacaré la de Jeff Smith, autor de "Bone", genial tebeo de aventuras llena de personajes carismáticos, una narrativa original y cinematográfica, un ritmo trepidante y un guión que te va enganchando a la vez que te enamora de los paisajes, los buenos, los villanos, los secundarios y de los ambientes.
En la charla, Jeff dijo que termiral el Bone conllevaba una gran carga emocional, porque había crecido con los personajes en sus cuadernos y llevaba 12 años dibujando las viñetas.
Por eso Bone es uno de mis comics predilectos, por la la mano se enamoró de la historia que dibujaba, y consigue que el que lee sienta ese amor desde que empieza hasta que acaba.
Jeff es alto, despeinado (como todos los dibujantes), simpático y humilde, siempre recibe a los fans con una sonrisa, se hace fotos, y firma tebeos durante horas, con mucha paciencia y siempre bromeando.
Y como homenaje a Jeff, que ahora dibuja el tebeo de género negro "RASL", esperé la fila de firmas para regalarle este dibujo de Thorn y Fone Bone, protagonistas de la saga, para darle las gracias por tantas horas de disfrute (y tantos conocimientos de entintado y masas de negro).
Jeff! espero que te haya gustado!
It´s been quite a lousy Barcelona Comic-Con.
Little stands, a few interviews...
But we had very good visits and conferences.
Like Jeff Smith´s, creator of "Bone", a fantastic (if not the best) adventures comic full of charismatic characters, a very original and cinematographic storytelling, a vibrating rithm and a script that gets you hooked while it makes you fall in love with the good ones, the villais, the supporting characters, the landskapes, and the atmosphear.
In his conference, Jeff said that finishing the Bone was such an emotional charge, it took him 2 more years than he expected. Bone has accompanied him since his childhood, with some drawings on school notebooks, and the saga was finished in 12 years.
That´s why I think Bone is so good, so honest. Because the hand was loving the page it was drawing, and gets the reader to feel that emotion from the beggining to the end.
In other hand, Jeff is tall, wears glasses, has a messy hair (like all cartoonists in the end). He is a nice guy, pleasant and modest, funny and patient, always signing with a smile and a joke.
And that's, whith his huge talent, what makes him a great artist.
He is now drawing a black genre story called RASL, witch I am very much impatient to read.
As a tribute to Jeff Smith, I waited in the signing line to give him this drawing of Thorn and Fone Bone, main characters of the Bone saga, to thank him for so many hours of enterteinment (and so much learnt of inking an blackening as well)
Jeff! I hope you liked it!